Claes Fredriksson shares why he is encouraged by our collective response to COVID-19 and the critical opportunity we now have to ensure our green recovery.


I hope that you are staying safe in these turbulent times. Personally, it has been encouraging to witness the collective power of governments, corporations and individuals to battle this threat to our society. As we work together to fight the pandemic, this also brings me hope that we can and will tackle the other significant threat to our future — climate change. We now have a valuable opportunity to reflect and plan our recovery, to implement our greener and more sustainable society.

I understand that current low or even negative oil prices may be tempting in the short-term, but we have run out of time to think this way. It’s paramount to invest in green and future-oriented technologies now. We have already developed many of the solutions we need, let’s use this opportunity to make the transition.

Like many of you, I have worked with renewables for decades. We have seen the incredible adoption and decreasing costs of wind energy. This pattern has been mirrored by a number of sustainable solutions, and this is great progress. However we are still pumping out significant volumes of harmful pollutants daily, and many industries are still struggling to find alternatives to kick their fossil addiction.

In 2015, I came across the concept of electro-fuel or power-to-x. The idea that we can convert carbon dioxide and hydrogen, made from renewable electricity and water, into carbon neutral liquid fuel. It blew me away! As the impact this will have in reducing carbon emissions became clear, I committed to bringing eMethanol to market at scale. It is time for eMethanol to follow the trajectory of wind energy, it is clear that the conditions are right and now’s the time.

With our dedicated Liquid Wind team and expert Consortium, we are making great progress. We have passionate interest from large corporations who need viable, scaleable fuel to drastically reduce emissions fast. We are working hard to meet this need; plans are well underway for our first facility in Sweden, we will then establish 6 more by 2030 before expanding internationally.

Accelerating change

You can get involved and help to fund our sustainable future. We are open for funding to help accelerate our progress and bring eMethanol to market as quickly as possible. Our Crowdfunding campaign is off to a fantastic start and it would be great if you could join us. Find out more at

We all have a role to play in ensuring a green recovery and a more sustainable future. What is yours?


Take care of yourselves and thanks for your support.



Claes Fredriksson is founder and CEO of Liquid Wind, a Circular Carbon Energy Company striving for a cooler world. From Gothenburg, Sweden, the emerging Company will develop, finance, build and manage replicable facilities to accelerate the transition to carbon neutral transportation and industry. Liquid Wind, with their expert Consortium, will provide investors with bankable eMethanol facilities. The facilities will produce renewable liquid fuel to empower their partners to meet their sustainability goals.


Liquid Wind quickly raises 1M SEK to produce carbon neutral fuel


H2 View: Striving for a cooler world