The role of carbon capture in eMethanol production

Carbon capture plays an important role in the production of eMethanol, providing a sustainable way to produce carbon-neutral fuel. Rather than releasing CO₂ into the atmosphere, where it contributes to global warming and climate change, carbon capture technologies intercept these emissions, preventing their release and offering a pathway to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

Understanding carbon capture

Various techniques, such as pre-combustion capture, oxy-fuel combustion, and post-combustion capture, are employed to capture CO₂ from different sources.

Pre-combustion capture involves capturing CO₂ from fuel gases before combustion occurs, which means chemically removing the carbon from the fuel, turning it into pure hydrogen.

Oxy-fuel combustion, or oxygen-enriched combustion, enables higher combustion temperature and burns fuel in an oxygen-rich environment, resulting in flue gases predominantly composed of CO₂ and water vapor, simplifying the capture process.

In post-combustion capture, CO₂ is extracted from flue gases generated by combustion processes in power plants and industrial facilities. This advanced carbon capture method employs sophisticated absorption technology, where flue gases interact with chemical solvents, to selectively isolate and capture CO₂ molecules efficiently.

Here's how it works:

  • Absorption: Flue gases are directed into an absorber unit where they come into contact with a solvent (such as amine-based solutions or other chemical absorbents) that selectively captures CO₂ molecules. The solvent absorbs CO₂ while allowing other gases to pass through. As the flue gases move through the absorber, CO₂ is transferred from the gas phase to the liquid phase within the solvent.

  • Desorption: Once the solvent becomes saturated with CO₂, it is pumped into a desorber unit. In the desorber, the solvent is heated, causing the CO₂ to desorb or release from the solvent. This process regenerates the solvent, allowing it to be reused for further CO₂ capture. The released CO₂ can then be collected and processed for storage or utilization.

Extracting biogenic CO₂ to produce carbon-neutral fuel

eFuel facilities developed by Liquid Wind use post-combustion capture to extract biogenic carbon dioxide (CO₂) from industrial flue gases.

Flue gases are directed into an absorber unit where a solvent selectively captures CO₂ molecules. The CO₂-rich solvent is then heated in a desorber unit to release the CO₂.

Once captured, the CO₂ is purified, concentrated, and utilized to produce eMethanol.

The potential of CCUS technologies: A pathway to sustainable energy

When discussing Carbon Capture, it's essential to explore the full spectrum of technologies involved. Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) encompasses innovative solutions aimed at mitigating carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions and combating climate change.

Firstly, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) represents an important pillar of CCUS. It involves capturing CO₂ emissions from industrial processes and power plants before they are released into the atmosphere. Once captured, the CO₂ is transported and securely stored underground, often in geological formations such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs or deep saline aquifers. This process prevents CO₂ from contributing to the greenhouse effect, effectively reducing the carbon footprint of various industries.

In addition to CCS, CCUS incorporates Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) technologies. CCU involves capturing CO₂ emissions and repurposing them for beneficial applications, thereby creating value from what would otherwise be considered waste. One notable example is eMethanol production, where captured CO₂ is used as a feedstock to produce clean and renewable fuel. This process not only helps mitigate emissions but also contributes to the development of a circular economy by reducing reliance on finite fossil fuel resources.

By integrating CCS and CCU within the CCUS framework, we can leverage the complementary strengths of each technology to achieve greater emissions reductions and foster sustainable development. While CCS focuses on capturing and storing CO₂ emissions to prevent their release into the atmosphere, CCU adds an additional dimension by repurposing captured CO₂ for productive uses, thereby maximizing its potential value. Together, these technologies form a comprehensive approach to carbon management, offering pathways towards a low-carbon future while addressing the urgent challenges of climate change.

  • Harnessing the full potential of carbon capture: Embracing the synergies between CCS and CCU technologies

    Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) reduces emissions at their source, while Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) transforms CO2 into valuable resources. Combining these benefits can significantly reduce carbon emissions and accelerate progress towards a sustainable future.