Understanding Carbon Capture
By intercepting CO₂ emissions from industrial processes and preventing their release into the atmosphere, carbon capture plays a critical role in decarbonization strategies, offering a direct solution to reeduce greenhouse gas emissions. Once captured, CO₂ can either be safely stored underground or transformed into valuable products like eMethanol, where it serves as a key feedstock, contributing to the creation of sustainable, carbon-neutral fuel.
From Biogenic CO₂ to Carbon Neutral Fuel
In industrial settings, CO₂ can be captured using various methods. eFuel facilities developed by Liquid Wind use post-combustion capture to extract biogenic CO₂ from industrial flue gases. This is then combined with green hydrogen to produce eMethanol.
Get the full picture: Learn more about eMethanol and explore the different steps involved in its production.
Carbon Capture Methods
In pre-combustion capture, fuel is gasified to produce a mixture of hydrogen (H₂) and carbon dioxide (CO₂). The carbon is chemically removed from the fuel, separating the CO₂ before combustion. This process results in pure hydrogen, which can then be utilized for energy production.
Oxy-fuel combustion, also known as oxygen-enriched combustion, burns fuel in an oxygen-rich environment, enabling higher combustion temperatures. This process produces flue gases primarily composed of CO₂ and water vapor. The water vapor can be condensed, making it easier to capture the concentrated CO₂.
In post-combustion capture, CO₂ is extracted from the flue gases produced by combustion in power plants or industrial facilities. This advanced carbon capture method uses chemical solvents to selectively absorb and isolate CO₂ molecules from the flue gases, allowing for efficient CO₂ capture.
How it works
Flue gases are directed into an absorber unit, where they encounter a solvent, such as amine-based solutions or other chemical absorbents, that selectively captures CO₂ molecules. The solvent absorbs the CO₂ while allowing other gases to pass through. As the flue gases flow through the absorber, the CO₂ is transferred from the gas phase to the liquid phase within the solvent.
Once the solvent is saturated with CO₂, it is pumped into a desorber unit. In the desorber, the solvent is heated, which causes the CO₂ to be released from the solvent. This process regenerates the solvent, allowing it to be reused for additional CO₂ capture. The released CO₂ can then be collected and processed for storage or utilization.
Ready to reduce your carbon footprint?
Contact us to discuss how you can convert your CO2 emissions into fossil-free fuel.
Carbon Capture Strategies
When exploring carbon capture strategies, three distinct approaches need to be evaluated: Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU), and their combined method, Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS). Each approach plays a role in reducing industrial carbon emissions and understanding how they work is essential for effectively tackling greenhouse gas emissions.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) captures carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions from industrial processes and power plants before they are released into the atmosphere. Once captured, the CO₂ is transported to secure underground storage sites, such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs or deep saline aquifers. This method prevents CO₂ from contributing to the greenhouse effect, significantly reducing the carbon footprint of industries.
Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) captures CO₂ emissions and repurposes them into valuable products, turning waste into a resource. For instance, captured CO₂ can be used as a feedstock in eMethanol production. This approach supports long-term sustainability goals. By promoting a circular carbon economy, CCU promotes the continuous reuse and recycling of carbon, minimizing waste and decreasing dependence on fossil resources.
Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) combines CCS and CCU, to create a comprehensive approach to carbon management. By bringing the two methods together, CCUS can maximise the overall impact and allow industries to effictively capture, store or repurpose their CO₂ emissions. Together, these strategies play a vital role in combating climate change and promote sustainable energy solutions.
Learn more about our eFuel facility projects
eFuel facilities developed by Liquid Wind use Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) to convert CO₂ emissions into eMethanol. Our standardized approach, modular solutions and digital platform allow us to efficiently scale and replicate projects.