Dreaming of a Cooler World


Meet Claes Fredriksson, a passionate entrepreneur determined to contribute to mitigating climate change, which led him to found LiquidWind. A real pioneer, he is on track to disrupt historic systems and fuel our carbon-neutral economy.

We need to make significant changes to the status quo to ensure we leave a habitable planet for our children, grandchildren and beyond. Claes is confident that we, as a society, have many of the solutions required, we now need to rapidly invest in, support and adopt these. Open collaboration will be key to ensuring our success, according to Claes

“None of us can accomplish these big goals by ourselves. We’re kind of in this together, whether we like it or not.”

Each and every one of us can contribute to mitigating climate change and the fact that there are already many solutions available makes it a lot easier. Claes shares his thoughts on how to reach a cooler world, faster.


Collaborate — Let’s work together

Countries and companies need to work closely, to support each other to achieve more ambitious sustainability targets. Sweden has set a commitment to zero carbon emissions by 2045, and I am hoping we can achieve this even faster, but none of us can do this alone. Together we can make a huge impact, contributing to both our businesses and to the climate.

Support Solutions

A lot of the solutions we need already exist, so be efficient and use them, rather than reinventing the ‘carbon-neutral wheel’. The conversation is very focused on the problem of the climate crisis, which is important, but we also need to start shouting about the solutions and looking at the big picture of how we can work together to implement and support these to create our new sustainable economy.

Think local. Think circular.

Buying local has been a great message to consumers, and should also be considered by businesses. How can you leverage local resources and supply local businesses, can your waste become another company’s resource? It is important that we take a local and circular perspective to the resources we use and start working smarter and more efficiently.

We will position LiquidWind facilities in industry clusters, so we can efficiently utilise waste CO₂ and heat from local industry and deliver carbon-neutral fuel and feedstock.

Ask a simple question

Ask your Retailer, how they transport goods from their distribution warehouse to their stores, and what is the climate impact. We ship a lot of goods over long distances, creating a big climate impact, this can be reduced by buying local goods and by switching to more sustainable fuel sources.

Does your car like alcohol?

Many cars running on petrol and diesel today, resulting in high carbon emissions, can run on alternative fuels which are readily available. Ask your car manufacturer if your car is compatible with more sustainable fuels such as ethanol or HVO. Your fuelling station probably already supplies this fuel, but if not, then ask them to, so we can reduce our climate emissions even faster.

Dream big

My dream is catalyse the transition to a circular carbon economy. I am really looking forward to seeing the first cruise ship setting off on its voyage using e-methanol. It will not be easy to get there, but we are on our way and determined to make this happen, because we have to, to significantly reduce carbon emissions and help to ensure a better future for our planet.

Changing the way we live to ensure our future, is definitely a big challenge, we need to change everything, so we need to dream big! What’s your dream?

Keep trying and stay passionate!

Sweden is a pioneering country, with great innovation and ambition, and we have an impressive community of sustainable start-ups focused on improving the world! I think some of the lessons we have learnt apply to everyone trying to make change in their own way — it will take time, it won’t work out the first time, you may not get results right away. But keep going, find support, support others who are also trying, and share your mission to inspire others!

What are your top tips to ensure a cooler world?

Claes Fredriksson is the founder and CEO of LiquidWind, a Circular Energy Company striving for a cooler world. From Gothenburg, Sweden, their ambition is to catalyse the transition to a circular carbon economy, by providing renewable liquid energy solutions to replace polluting fuels and enable their partners to meet their sustainability goals.

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