Falkor joins Liquid Wind to develop eMethanol facilities in France

The French low-carbon investment firm, Falkor, joins Liquid Wind as a minority equity investor and co-development partner. Falkor will leverage Liquid Wind’s expertise to efficiently replicate eMethanol facilities in France and Southern Europe.

Liquid Wind is a power-to-fuel development company, which develops commercial-scale facilities for the production of carbon neutral fuel, eMethanol. Together with their consortium partners, Alfa Laval, Carbon Clean, Haldor Topsoe and Siemens Energy, Liquid Wind is developing a standardised and modular facility model. They will use the latest digitalisation technology for the efficient replication of eMethanol facilities.

Liquid Wind will license the facility model and their intellectual property to selected partners, who will develop eMethanol facilities in their local region. This will provide an additional revenue stream to the company and increase the supply of carbon neutral fuel.

“The world needs cleaner fuel in significant volumes, fast. By combining our replicable digital model with local expertise, we can accelerate the sustainable energy transition,” said Claes Fredriksson, CEO and Founder, Liquid Wind.

“Falkor are very knowledgeable about eFuel technology and well connected, we are fortunate to have them on board to bring eMethanol to France.”

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“Electro-fuels play an essential role in providing viable solutions to the sectors that are the most difficult to decarbonise. They offer a credible and concrete way to utilise green hydrogen”, says Pascal Penicaud, Falkor’s chairman.

“We are very happy to support and cooperate with Liquid Wind, one of the most advanced players in producing electro-methanol"

Each standardised facility will combine biogenic carbon dioxide emissions with green hydrogen, producing 50,000 tonnes of eMethanol per year and preventing the emission of 100,000 tonnes of new carbon emissions. A liquid fuel, eMethanol is an ideal solution to enable carbon neutral shipping. By replacing fossil-based marine fuels, eMethanol reduces maritime carbon emissions by 94%.

Falkor is now seeking a site and supplier of biogenic carbon dioxide for the first eMethanol facility in France. Liquid Wind is in discussions with other potential co-development partners for other regions.


About Falkor:

Falkor is an investment firm aiming at fostering the low-carbon transition of private and public organizations. To that end, Falkor focuses on renewable power generation, green hydrogen production by means of water electrolysis, and eFuel synthesis, providing corporate equity and direct project investment. falkor.eu


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