Liquid Wind gaining support in Canada

The Swedish eFuel Developer is crowdfunding in Canada, following two rounds in Europe. Canada could be a prime location for eFuel production and Liquid Wind is seeking funds to accelerate the development of their first eFuel production facility. In partnership with Crowdfunding platform, FrontFundr, the company aims to raise 1M EUR (1.5M CAD).

Liquid Wind will develop, build and manage eFuel facilities to meet the growing demand for liquid renewable fuel. The company is planning 500 facilities by 2050, providing 25 million tons of fuel and preventing the emissions of 50 million tons of carbon dioxide, every year. eFuels are considered a viable fuel alternative for the marine industry and internal combustion engines.

Large shipping vessels can switch to eFuels, with minor modifications to engines and infrastructure.

Large shipping vessels can switch to eFuels, with minor modifications to engines and infrastructure.


245 crowdfunders have invested over 0.5M EUR (0.75M CAD) in the company to date, during the companies previous European crowdfunding rounds. The company is now looking to raise funds in Canada. 

Claes Fredriksson, Liquid Wind CEO and Founder comments, “Canada has growing industry in both hydrogen and carbon capture, and Liquid Wind provides a great compliment to both of these industries. I am excited to connect with Canadians to accelerate our collective, climate neutral future.” 

“We’re thrilled to launch Liquid Wind on our platform”, says Peter-Paul Van Hoeken, CEO of FrontFundr, “With its innovative solution the company is able to turn carbon emissions into renewable fuel, leading the way toward sustainable shipping and a greener world. With the listing of Liquid Wind on FrontFundr, everyone can now be a change-maker by investing in a carbon neutral future."

Liquid Wind will use the funds to support the development of their first facility, on the north-east coast of Sweden. The company recently announced its partnership with Energy Utility, Övik Energy, who will provide CO2 and land. Once the facility is operational, from 2024, the company plans to establish many more facilities, and sees promising opportunities in Canada.   

Visualisation of Liquid Wind eMethanol facility. The first one will be located on the north-east coast of Sweden.

Visualisation of Liquid Wind eMethanol facility. The first one will be located on the north-east coast of Sweden.


Fredriksson adds, “With access to low-cost renewable electricity and biogenic carbon dioxide emissions, Canada is an ideal location for producing cost-effective carbon neutral electro-fuel.” 


Liquid Wind are offering common shares to Canadian residents from $540 CAD. To learn more visit the campaign at


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CO2 secured for first eFuel facility