Liquid Wind joins over 200 industry leaders in the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization by 2050

For the world to fully decarbonize by 2050, maritime shipping must decarbonize.
As a signatory of the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization, Liquid Wind joins maritime peers in urging world leaders to align shipping with the Paris Agreement’s temperature goal.

Global trade needs decarbonized shipping

Decarbonizing international shipping is urgent and requires the involvement of stakeholders from the full maritime value chain as well as governments. Ships transport 80 % of global trade and account for 3% of today’s global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The Call to Action demands that governments commit to decarbonizing shipping by 2050, support industrial scale zero emission shipping projects through national and regional action, and deliver the policy measures that will make zero emission shipping the default choice by 2030. It was launched on 22 September in conjunction with the UN General Assembly and will be delivered to world Governments in November 2021, in advance of COP26.

Collaboration for zero emission

“Together with our co-signatories from across the maritime industry, we are urging governments to enable policy frameworks and regulations for decarbonizing the maritime supply chain”, says Claes Fredriksson, CEO & Founder of Liquid Wind.
“It also facilitates our plan to scale rapidly and establish 500 facilities producing fossil free marine fuel by 2050. Together with our consortium partners, among others Siemens Energy and Alfa Laval, who have also signed the Call to Action”.

To learn more about the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization and to see the full list of signatories,
please visit Call to Action (


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